What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient type of therapy that consists in the insertion of very thin, disposable, sterilized needles into specific points in the body along what are called meridians, or channels. Just like blood travels along vessels, Oriental Medicine believes that the body's vital energy, called qi, travels along these meridians. This qi is the force that allows the heart to pump, the blood to move, the kidneys to work, the lungs to breath, etc. As a result of various mental and physical stresses in life, the body is believed to form disharmonies. These disharmonies create imbalances in the body, which disrupt the flow of qi in the meridians. By inserting needles in specific points along the meridians, the qi is allowed to flow correctly restoring harmony and balance in both the body and the mind.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Many first-time patients are concerned that acupuncture needles will feel like needles used by medical doctors for injections – they won't. Acupuncture needles are flexible needles that are said to be as fine as a human hair. While many people feel nothing at all, others experience a small prick as the needle passes through the skin. The needles are then mildly stimulated producing a unique sensation described as a heavy, tingling or spreading sensation. This is not a painful sensation, as many imagine, but rather a deeply satisfying one that leave the patient feeling mentally and physically relaxed.
How soon will I notice an improvement?
Some patients notice partial or even complete relief as soon as the needle is inserted, but this is rare. For most, improvement takes a bit longer – they might feel relief later that day, the next day, or even a few days after the treatment. For some, it takes a few treatments until they start noticing a relief in symptoms.
How many treatments will I need?
The benefits of acupuncture are cumulative, so even though you might feel a relief after only one treatment, a course of treatments is recommended to address the root of the problem. The number of sessions needed, will depend on how long the symptoms have been present, as well as the severity and nature of the symptoms, your age and health, responsiveness to treatment and many other factors. For acute conditions, most people require a course of 4 to 6 treatments within weeks following the initial visit, but for chronic conditions it may take longer.
What does a typical treatment consist of?
During your initial visit:
- Information about your medical and family history, your physical and mental condition, as well as your lifestyle will be obtained using Chinese Medicine Diagnostic methods including questioning, feeling your pulse and observing your tongue
- A treatment plan will be developed based on your specific needs and situation, and Acupuncture, and other appropriate forms of treatment, will be performed
- The initial treatment will take longer than the subsequent treatments, as more information is gathered
During your return visits:
- Information about your current condition will be updated and any new conditions will be evaluated
- Adjustment to the treatment will be made according to changes in your condition